For anyone who still even reads my news, there are many updates to discuss. Recently I tried to release a small madness mod I made back in the day and that I "spruced" up but apparently is was flagged as stolen. Anyways, as for my games I was slowly making, I have been rather lazy lately in finishing them but they will get done someday. I most likely will start submitting stuff to newgrounds a lot more often after I join the air force this summer and go to college for animation and whatnot. I have not been very active lately but I am so busy finishing up school I don't have the time. That's it for now when I finish school I will most likely be more active for about a year, but once I join the air force I won't be on for at least a year or more depending on if I am going to go to college while I am doing my AT (Advanced training). If anyone want's involved with my game go ahead and feel free to ask as I don't really progress with it these days.
livejournasl toime?
Fuck ya! I want my name to be spaghetti.